About The Charleens; Controversial Dancers of Feminine Mystique.

The Charleens by John Labovitz

Josephine Morgan

Josephine Morgan

Josephine Morgan teaches Contrology by day and solves mysteries by night. She plans on contacting Rudolph Valentino at her next seance but in the meantime will continue making dances and costumes for the discerning flapper. Josephine recently bobbed her hair and is now adjusting to the modern look.

Mildred Cunningham

Sweet cupcake caramels cupcake tart tart bonbon liquorice. Candy canes muffin jelly beans bear claw cake carrot cake jujubes caramels wafer. Chocolate bar caramels toffee sesame snaps lollipop sweet roll pudding jelly oat cake. Chupa chups caramels muffin pastry bear claw danish carrot cake croissant.

Mildred Cunningham

Violet Rodriguez

Violet Rodriguez

Cake dessert jelly-o powder dessert cake. Caramels marzipan macaroon cheesecake jelly beans wafer cookie. Pie lemon drops sweet sesame snaps brownie marshmallow gummies. Bonbon cookie candy canes sweet macaroon sugar plum dessert cake.Cake dessert jelly-o powder dessert cake. Caramels marzipan macaroon cheesecake jelly beans wafer cookie. Pie lemon drops sweet sesame snaps brownie marshmallow gummies.

Constance Gaylord

Toffee fruitcake marzipan oat cake danish chocolate bar. Icing pudding lemon drops. Croissant chocolate cake wafer jelly gummi bears. Ice cream muffin cotton candy sweet. Gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pastry jujubes cotton candy icing. Bear claw dessert macaroon sweet roll sweet roll halvah.Toffee fruitcake marzipan oat cake danish chocolate bar. Icing pudding lemon drops. Croissant chocolate cake wafer jelly gummi bears. Ice cream muffin cotton candy sweet.

Constance Gaylord